California Interagency Working Group
on Indoor Air Quality
Meeting Notes:
June 9
DHS Richmond Laboratory Campus
American Lung Association of California
California Air Resources Board / IAQ & Personal Exposure Assessment Program
California Department of Education / School Facility and Planning Division
California Department of Health Service / Environmental Health Investigations Branch
California Department of Health Service / Indoor Air Quality Section
California Department of Health Service / Occupational Health Branch
California Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA)
California State Library California Research Bureau
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Indoor Environments Program
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Southern California Environmental Health Sciences and Children's Environmental Health Center
UC Environmental Health & Safety Program
U.S. EPA Region IX / Indoor Environment Team
Indoor Environmental Quality of Schools
Building Design and Operations
ARB announces Public Workshop to Review the Draft Report on Indoor Air Pollution Mandated by AB 1173 (Keeley,). The draft report is also available to download on-line at:
Date: |
Tuesday, July 27 |
Time: |
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
Location: |
Training Room East/West, First Floor |
Webcast: |
A live Internet broadcast can be accessed on the day of the workshop at |
Teleconference: |
Dial and give the passcode: 40388 |
Update on Current Research at the Indoor Environment Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
by William Fisk, Head, IED
Download slides at
Plan for a Center for Green Building Research
by Annette Rohr, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Download slides at
-- Bonnie Holmes-Gen ()
IAQ in Schools Bill. ALAC sponsored legislation to address indoor air quality in schools, including elements that would address some of the solutions listed in the ARB/DHS report, Portable Classroom Study: A Report to the Legislature report. Unfortunately, AB 2863, After passing in the Assembly Education Committee, the bill died in the Appropriations Committee.
California Air Resources Board / Indoor Air Quality & Personal Exposure Assessment Program
-- Peggy Jenkins ()
Sustainable Building Task Force. Staff participated in a March meeting of the Sustainable Building Task Force to promote green, healthy state-owned and state-leased buildings as part of EO D-16-00. Steve Castellanos, the State Architect, will serve as the lead for the group. During the meeting, Drew Bohan, Assistant Secretary for Policy at Cal/EPA, articulated Terry Tamminens support for the group and his interest in combining the Green Bank initiative and the work of the Task Force and its various subgroups. Several green building-related bills were also discussed, including AB 2863 (Pavley), which would have implemented some of the recommendations of the ARB-DHS Portable Classrooms Study (but subsequently did not make it through the Legislature). Others included AB 2311 (Jackson, green building bank), AB2 950 (Goldberg, school construction standards), AB 3001 (Nunez, portable classrooms inventory and assessment), SB 1851 (Bowen, green building standards for state buildings and schools), and AB 1647 (Wiggins, prefab materials in school construction). The primary discussion of the meeting centered around updated drafts of the groups vision and goal statements. ARB staff expressed concern that indoor air quality is not explicitly addressed in the language of the goals; the group agreed that some of the objectives, which are now being drafted, should specifically focus on indoor air quality.
Comments on Draft State Carpet Specifications. Staff provided edits on draft specifications for green carpet to be used in future state-owned and state-leased buildings. The Carpet Workgroup of the Sustainable Building Task Force has prepared California additions to current specifications used for green carpets on a national basis. Once approved, carpet manufacturers will need to attain sufficient points under these new specifications in order to be able to respond to future Requests for Bids for carpet in state buildings.
Progress on Indoor Air Quality Report. Staff met with representatives of several other state agencies, including DHS, OEHHA, CEC, Cal/OSHA, Department of Education, and CIWMB, to obtain comments on a preliminary draft of the report on indoor air quality required by AB 1173 (Keeley). Staff has used the input in its revisions towards a final draft report that is accurate, approvable by the UC peer reviewers, and useful to the Legislature in gaining an understanding of the major issues in indoor air quality and possible strategies for addressing them. It is now anticipated that the draft report will become available on the web for public review in mid-June. A public workshop on the report is tentatively scheduled for June 30 in the Cal/EPA building, with comments due on July 27,. The workshop will be webcast. List serve notices and mailed notices are expected to go out around June 15.
Personal Exposure Monitoring Suggested for Asbestos. At the
request of ARBs Executive Office, RD staff prepared a suggested study outline
for monitoring personal exposures to naturally-occurring asbestos (NOA) in El
Dorado County schools and communities.
Such a study would obtain improved data for estimating residents actual
exposures to NOA, and fill a critical gap in our knowledge about the potential
risk that NOA exposures pose to the local population. The outline was forwarded
as part of a joint ARB-DTSC letter to EPA Region 9 officials, in which the
state recommended that EPA fund such research.
The state also recommended monitoring during scripted activity scenarios
likely to result in increased personal exposures; research to examine the
relationships among soil, air, and exposure levels; and research to resolve
inconsistencies in results across different laboratories. Staff also participated in a meeting with
federal ATSDR scientists at their request to discuss the El Dorado NOA issues
and coordinate state and federal efforts.
Subsequently, Cal/EPA agencies met with US EPA Region 9 staff to
consider their alternative proposal for personal monitoring of specific
activities expected to result in elevated asbestos exposures, in order to start
with a worst case scenario and then determine whether broader population
monitoring is needed. Region 9 staff
plan to conduct specific activity monitoring and monitoring at a tot lot that
experiences substantial windblown dust this summer. ARB and other Cal/EPA agencies are continuing to work with EPA
Region 9 on this issue.
Relocatable Classroom Specifications. ARB staff recommended several improvements, such as low-emitting building materials, improved air filtration, better ventilation controls, relocation of air intakes away from traffic areas, and better moisture control, to the draft energy-related design specifications for relocatable classrooms (portables). Many of these recommendations are supported by the results of the California Portable Classrooms Study. The draft specifications will be reviewed and revised again by the State Sustainable Building Task Force, the Collaborative for High Performance Schools, and other stakeholders later this year.
UC Davis Symposium on Air Pollution Impacts. Staff presented the results of the California Portable Classrooms Study
at the annual conference of the UC
Davis Center for Environmental Health Sciences in Sacramento.
The conference theme this year was The Impacts of Environmental Factors on
Respiratory and Neurological Systems. UC Davis, OEHHA, the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences, and the American Lung Association funded the
conference. Presenters included health and air pollution researchers funded by
ARB, other ARB staff, and the Yolo-Solano APCO. C
Indoor Air Quality Discussed with Japanese Visitor. On May 5, staff met with Dr. Yuji Horie to exchange information on indoor air quality. Dr. Horie works for a private company, Green Blue, that contracts with Japanese governmental public health agencies to assess indoor environmental quality. Dr. Hories main interest was in results of the California Portable Classroom Study. He recently measured pollutant levels in approximately 3,000 classrooms in Japan. According to Dr. Horie, Japan has formaldehyde emission standards for specific building materials and requires mandatory air measurements in new homes and home renovations initiated after July 1,. However, their emission limits can result in room concentrations higher than our recommended levels. The Japanese furniture manufacturing association has guidelines for emissions from furniture and has implemented a voluntary testing program.
Portable Classrooms Study Data Analysis. The Board approved funding for a project entitled, "Analysis of Building Characteristics and Indoor Environmental Quality in California Classrooms," for Westat to further analyze the data collected during the Portable Classrooms Study. The bulk of the funding is provided by the California Energy Commission, which is interested in the results for use in updating school ventilation and building standards. The objective of this project is to further analyze variables on ventilation and other energy-related factors and examine their relationship to indoor air quality and other environmental characteristics in classrooms. In addition, the association of environmental health conditions with a schools socioeconomic indicators will be examined to the extent feasible. The results of this study will be used to improve energy efficiency and IEQ in California schools through revised building standards and improved guidance to California schools.
-- Michael ONeil ()
Tony Hesch recently retired and our architect Steve Newsom left CDE for another job. Michael ONeil is acting as the interim SFPD contact until a replacement Senior Architect can be hired in July. Michael is a field representative for Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado Counties. He is also Environmental Coordinator statewide for the Division, which includes dealing with CEQA, outdoor air quality, and being primary liaison with DTSC. Currently, CDE is not involved in any specific IAQ activities.
California Department of Health Service / Environmental Health Investigations Branch
-- Sandra McNeel ()
Asthma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has funded a five-year project in California to implement the Statewide Strategic Plan for Asthma. Entitled "California Breathing", the initiative supports building State capacity to implement parts of the Strategic Plan and building a broad alliance with non-governmental organizations to carry out other parts of the Strategic Plan. California Breathing is pleased to announce the publication of its most recent factsheet: "Asthma Disparities Among African Americans". Stockman JK, Garcia K, Von Behren J, Bembom O, Shaikh N, Kreutzer R. California Asthma Facts, Volume 2, Issue 1. March, available at:
A second new publication, the Asthma Surveillance Data Needs Assessment Summary Report, has also been posted. Stockman JK, Shaikh N, Von Behren J. March, available at:
For more information, including full text access to other asthma publications produced by California Breathing and staff.
National Tracking Meeting. Members of the California Environmental Health Tracking Program (SB 702) participated in the CDC-sponsored National Tracking Meeting:
This national conference of over 300 participants offered an exciting opportunity for public health and environmental professionals, organizations, communities and individuals to develop and strengthen the partnerships that will move us towards bridging the gap between public health and the environment.
Below are California's presentations and posters from the conference:
From Data Analysis and Visualization to Community
Contribution Advances in Birth Outcome Surveillance - Eric Roberts
Visualization and Analytic Methods for
the Tracking of Birth Outcomes and Traffic Exposure - Paul English
California Environmental Health Tracking
Program Stakeholder Needs Assessment - Eddie Oh
Public-Private Partnerships for
Environmental Public Health Tracking - Eric Roberts
California Environmental Health Tracking Program Newsletter. The Spring Tracking newsletter is available at:
Western Regional Epidemiology Network (WREN) meeting. WREN is an annual conference that draws epidemiologists, toxicologists, data analysts and other health professionals from city, county and state health agencies in Oregon, Washington and California. Several EHIB staff members presented papers covering a wide range of environmental topics (biomonitoring planning, dioxins, dyed wood mulch toxicity, traffic exhaust exposure, chemical terrorism preparedness planning, mercury in fish) at this meeting in Ashland, Oregon, May 13-15.
-- Jed Waldman ()
Dialog with Carpet Industry. The dialog on material testing among State and industry stakeholders, representatives of the carpet industry met with DHS and IWMB staff is continuing, and there was a daylong meeting among the groups at the DHS Laboratory in Richmond on May 14th. In early June, a final agreement was reached regarding harmonizing testing protocols used by the Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label Plus Program (certification and the States Section 01350 emissions testing specification. The agreement will be made available on our web site in the near
[The Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) has developed a set of programs for testing and labeling carpets, adhesives and cushion materials. The CRIs Green Label criteria currently include maximum emission factors (mg/m ∙hr) for formaldehyde, styrene, 4-Phenylcyclohexene (4-PC), and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC). The new program which will have equivalency to Section 01350 for carpets will be called the Green Label Plus Program. Information on CRI is available on-line at
Capitol Area East End Project Indoor Air Quality Study Sampling at Capitol Area East End buildings was completed on Friday, June 4,. During the 20-month study, we sampled four buildings four times each and one building five times, for a total of 21 site visits. In the 21 site visits, there were 285 sampling sites, 7 to 15 sites per building. Approximately 830 samples were collected and analyzed. We are preparing a progress report, which we hope to complete in the early fall.
BASE Study. Yun-Yi Hung replaced Derek Shendell as data analyst; preparing basic summary reports for USEPA website
Portable Classroom Study.. See ARB notes.
NIOSH Novel Personal Bioaerosol Sampler. We are planning to collaborate with NIOSH on chamber characterization and field trials.
Project objectives: The overall goal of the project is to evaluate, validate and field-test a novel personal air sampler amenable for collecting bioaerosols in different occupational settings and for use with advanced analytical techniques, such as PCR and immunological assays. The final outcome would be a patented product that has been scientifically validated and that would be made commercially available to the public.
Researchers at NIOSH have evaluated sampling techniques compatible with PCR and immunoassays and, as a result, developed a prototypical personal sampler for collecting airborne fungal spores. This novel sampler collects aerosols and deposits them directly into the analysis container (i.e., a microcentrifuge tube). This novel sampler has several advantages over conventional samplers: long-term samples are possible (the limitation of impaction methods); there is no sample transfer loss since the transfer step has been eliminated (the limitation of filter cassettes); laboratory analyses is not dependent solely upon a single analysis method (the limitation of impaction methods) and there is no sampler adherence loss (the limitation of trying to wash microorganisms from filters). In addition, use of the novel sampler would be applicable in a variety of occupational settings from low bioaerosol concentrations (i.e., indoor environments) to high bioaerosol concentrations (i.e., agricultural setting) by varying sampling time periods and using sensitive analytical methods.
Preliminary data using homogeneous
standard-sized latex spheres have demonstrated an excellent aspiration and
collection efficiency for the sampler. It is, however, essential to incorporate
actual microorganisms in the study to test the feasibility of microbial
collection using the sampler and to evaluate the sensitivity of the appropriate
molecular analysis. In addition, application of this sampler in field surveys,
either as a personal or an area sampler, would help formulate the practical
aspect of transferring this new technology into a commercial product.
California Department of Health Service / Occupational Health Branch
-- Liz Katz ()
Mechanics Wiping Rags Toxic Residues. Mechanics wiping rags are used to wipe up petroleum products, dirt, and cleaning solvents. The rags, made of woven or nonwoven materials, are then laundered or discarded, leading to significant economic and environmental consequences. HESIS received several inquiries about proposed legislation, AB 2732, which places restrictions on wiping rags. Proponents for the bill cite two studies as evidence that laundered, supposedly clean wiping rags are exposing workers to lead and other residual chemicals. HESIS reviewed the two studies and determined that neither one actually provided evidence of any occupational hazard.
Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network Annual Conference. Dr. Julia Quint, HESIS Chief, presented (1) Hazardous Materials Use in Auto Repair: Integrated Strategies to Protect Health and the Environment and (2) Emerging Pollutants: GreenEarth (Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane or D5).
Automotive Service Council, Stockton, California. Dr. Quint presented Illness, Injury and Pollution Prevention in Auto Repair: Building Partnerships to Find Solutions That Work. Discussed plan to work with employers to simplify compliance with environmental and occupational regulations through use of non-toxic substitutes and development of integrated strategies to prevent illness, injury and environmental pollution.
Nanotechnology and Occupational Health. HESIS sponsored a lecture by Dr. Andrew Maynard of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Maynard provided an introduction to the nanotechnology industry, and explored the occupational health and safety implications as currently understood.
California Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA)
--Bob Nakamura ()
IAQ Advisory Committee. The first meeting was held on November 20, in Oakland. The recent California Energy Commision revisions to the building code were presented and discusssed. Possible revisions to General Industry Safety Orders 5142 and 5143 were also discussed. A second meeting was held on March 6, 2003. Attendees discussed the modified proposal for the use of DCV that CEC plans to submit for rulemaking within the next few weeks. Attendees also discussed suggested changes to Title 8, Section 5142. The modifications are intended to address problems in identifying the entity that can make changes to a HVAC system in a workplace. Another meeting is tentatively planned for early. Deborah Gold and Bob Nakamura have also participated in the review of the survey of portable classrooms done by the Air Resources Board with the Department of Health Services, and the Portable classroom white paper by the Integrated Waste Management Board.
Airborne Contaminants: 8CCR 5155. The advisory committee ended its review process in March.
Laboratory Fume Hoods: 8CCR 5154.1. The Division has convened five advisory committee meetings to evaluate two different petitions requesting the Standards Board to reduce ventilation rate requirements and establish a performance standard in place of the existing regulation that relies on face velocity measurements. The final draft proposal was discussed by the members of the committee at the meeting held on September 17, in Oakland. The Division coordinator is Bruce Wallace who can be reached at .
Respiratory Protection for M. Tuberculosis Section 5147. Federal OSHA announced at the end of that it would be revoking its temporary standard pertaining to respirators used to protect employees from TB exposures, and apply the general industry respiratory protection standard to that segment of respirator users. This accompanied an announcement that OSHA would not promulgate a comprehensive TB standard as planned. The primary effect of this change is to require annual fit testing for respirators used during occupational exposure to TB. Cal/OSHA must adopt standards that are equally effective, and at the May Standards Board hearing, the Division proposed to rescind section 5147 and apply the respiratory protection standard, section 5144, to respirators used against TB.
-- Obed Odoemelam ()
PIER Projects. Information is available on-line regarding two CEC-funded projects:
Energy Efficient Mold-Resistant Building Assemblies and Construction Practices for California Homes, Gas Technology Institute, Des Plaines, IL.
Advanced HVAC Systems for Improving Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Performance of California K-12 Schools, Architectural Energy Corporation, Boulder, CO.
-- Pamela Davis ()
Nothing new to report on AB 284 report
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Indoor Environments Program -- Mike Apte ()
Consult Special Presentation and web site: .
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment / Indoor Air Risk Assessment Group
-- Richard Lam ()
-- Janice Kim ()
Development of Indoor Reference Exposure Levels (iRELs). OEHHA has obtained funding from the California Integrated Waste Management Board to develop iRELS for chemicals emitted from tire-derived resilient flooring products. OEHHA proposes to develop at least four indoor iRELs. The process includes exhaustive literature evaluations, developing a summary of the toxic effects and the quantitative derivation of the indoor REL, conducting public comment periods, responding to comments, and conducting a peer review of the iRELs. OEHHA will develop final summary documents for each iREL using a format based on the Chronic and Acute RELs summaries. Additional chemicals may be evaluated depending on extent of existing toxicity data. Links to the Chronic and Acute RELs can be found on-line at .
East Bay Childrens Respiratory Health Study (EBCRHS). OEHHA recently completed a study that found that children living and attending schools in neighborhoods near busy roads in Alameda County had increased asthma symptoms and bronchitis compared with those further away from traffic pollution. The paper, Traffic-related Air Pollution Near Busy Roads: The East Bay Children's Respiratory Health Study Janice Kim, et al.,will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. and is available online at
Further analysis is planned through a project, funded by Air Resources Board, entitled: Traffic Pollution and Childrens Respiratory Health: Refining estimates of exposure for the EBCRHS.
Information sheets for and parents and schools on air pollution from nearby traffic and ways to reduce exposures have been developed in collaboration with California Air Resources Board and the California Department of Health Services and will be available soon.
Guidance for Assessing Exposures and Health Risks at Existing and Proposed School Sites. OEHHA has released the report, Guidance For School Site Risk Assessment Pursuant To Health And Safety Code Section 901(F): Guidance For Assessing Exposures And Health Risks At Existing And Proposed School Sites.
Health and Safety Code Section 901(f) requires OEHHA to develop and publish a guidance document for use by the Department of Toxic Substances Control and other state and local environmental and public health agencies to assess exposures and health risks at existing and proposed school sites. It specifically requires that the guidance include consideration of child-specific routes of exposure unique to the school environment, in addition to those routes in existing exposure models. The algorithms and equations in the Guidelines have been incorporated into an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet also contains toxicological data for approximately 370 chemicals an physical chemical data for approximately 90 chemicals. Soil vapor and human milk exposure pathways cannot be evaluated for chemicals with incomplete databases. The user is responsible for data added to the spreadsheet. The authors believe the algorithms to be an accurate reflection of the Guidelines
To download a copy of the document:
Ambient Air Quality Air Quality Standard for Ozone Review. The staff ARB and OEHHA are currently reviewing the scientific literature regarding the health effects of ozone (O3) and are considering revisions to the Ozone Ambient Air Quality Standard based on the literature review. This work follows a preliminary evaluation of all health-based ambient air quality standards in December of to determine which California ambient air quality standards do not adequately protect public health, particularly that of infants and children.
Currently OEHHA recommends that the current 1-h average standard of 0.09 parts per million (ppm) be retained and add an 8-hour standard of 0.070 ppm, both not to be exceeded. If the Board does not adopt an 8-hour standard, then the 1-h standard should be lowered to 0.08 ppm, not to be exceeded.
Comments received from the public on the draft staff report by the close of business on Monday, August 2 will be forwarded to the Air Quality Advisory Committee (AQAC) for consideration at their meeting in Fall,.
To download a copy of OEHHA's Recomendation for an Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone:
Unit Risk Value for Naphthalene. OEHHA is releasing a draft document describing a unit risk factor for estimating cancer risk associated with inhalation of naphthalene. This draft document has been developed by OEHHA for use in implementing the programs for Toxic Air Contaminants (Health and Safety Code Section 39650 et seq.) and Air Toxics Hot Spots (Health and Safety Code Section 44300 et seq.).
Naphthalene, a widespread atmospheric contaminant, is a constituent of various fuels and other hydrocarbon mixtures, and is also emitted by various combustion processes. It is suspected of causing cancer and other adverse health impacts. OEHHA proposes a unit risk for use in estimating the lifetime cancer risk associated with inhalation exposures to naphthalene, based on the results of recent studies by the National Toxicology Program
To download a copy of the DRAFT document on Naphthalene:
Proposed Public Health Goals for Cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and 1,1, 2-trichloroethane in Drinking Water. OEHHA is making available the draft technical support documents for proposed Public Health Goals (PHG) for cis- and trans-1, 2-dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and 1,1, 2-trichloroethane in drinking water. The PHG technical support documents provide information on the health effects of contaminants in drinking water. The PHG is a level of drinking water contaminant at which adverse health effects are not expected to occur from a lifetime of exposure. PHGs published by OEHHA will be considered by the California Department of Health Services in setting drinking water standards (Maximum Contaminant Levels, or MCLs). All these chemicals are used in products that are used indoors, and they could potentially contaminate indoor environments from contaminated water used during bathing, washing, and cleaning.
To download the draft technical support documents for proposed Public Health Goals (PHG):
cis- and trans-1, 2-dichloroethylene
1,1, 2-trichloroethane
Chemicals Under Consideration For Possible Listing Under Proposition 65. OEHHA proposes to list 1-Bromopropane and a number of phthalates as known to cause reproductive toxicity via the authoritative bodies mechanism. These chemicals are all found indoors.
Chemical |
CAS Number |
Toxicological Endpoints |
Chemical Use (relevant to indoor uses only) |
Reference |
1-Bromopropane (1-BP) |
106-94-5 |
developmental toxicity, male reproductive toxicity, female reproductive toxicity |
Mostly used as a solvent for fats, waxes, or resins. Also used in some spray adhesives and in cleaning metal and electronic components. |
NTP-CERHR (2003a) |
Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) |
85-68-7 |
developmental toxicity |
Plasticizer in plastics used primarily in vinyl tiles. Also in artificial leather and automotive trim. |
NTP-CERHR (2003b) |
Di- n -butyl phthalate (DBP) |
84-74-2 |
developmental toxicity, female reproductive toxicity, male reproductive toxicity |
Used in latex adhesives, plasticizer in cellulose plastics and solvent for dyes |
NTP-CERHR (2003c) |
Di- n -hexyl phthalate (DnHP) |
84-75-3 |
female reproductive toxicity, male reproductive toxicity |
Used in making plastisols that are subsequently used in the manufacturer of products that could be used indoors. Also added to polyvinyl chloride utilized in the manufacture of floorings, TV and computer parts, toys, vinyl gloves, weather stripping, shoes, etc. |
NTP-CERHR (2003d) |
Di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) |
68515-49-11 26761-40-0 |
developmental toxicity |
Plasticizer in a wide variety of polyvinyl chloride plastic products, including wire and cable coverings, carpet backing, etc |
NTP-CERHR (2003e) |
1DIDP is a complex substance, assigned two different CAS Numbers. See NTP-CEHR (2003e) for details.
To download a copy of OEHHA's documentation summarizing the rationale for considering the evaluation of these chemicals for possible administrative listing:
Reproductive Toxicant 1,3-Butadiene. OEHHA is adding 1,3-butadiene to the list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity for purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of (commonly known as Proposition 65). The listing of 1,3-butadiene is effective April 16.
The following table outlines the addition of 1,3-butadiene to the Proposition 65 chemical list as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity:
Chemical |
CAS No. |
Toxicological Endpoint(s) |
Listing Mechanism |
1,3-Butadiene |
106-99-0 |
Developmental, female reproductive, and male reproductive toxicity |
AB1 |
1AB authoritative body mechanism (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, 12306)
Download the April 16, list in PDF format sorted alphabetically (most popular choice)
Or, in the new format (ordered alphabetically by chemical, with the endpoint of concern (developmental, female or male) for listing each chemical clearly noted)
-- Andrea Hricko ()
ARB offers the video in Spanish and English. To order FREE copies of the video, visit
-- Debbie Decker ()
Currently, the UC-EH&S IAQ workgroup is taking a bit of a breather. We had a very successful spring meeting at UCSF where several case studies were presented. Our colleagues at UC Santa Barbara presented a very interesting project where they surveyed and cleaned up cold boxes - basically small refrigerated rooms with poor ventilation and rather high humidity. As you might imagine, cold boxes tend to be significant reservoirs of mold and it's a common problem for the University of California.
Next fiscal, we'll be beginning work on a mold identification and clean-up guidance document. Additionally, the UC Industrial Hygienists/Safety Committee will be beginning work on an update to our laboratory design guide.
The UC Industrial Hygiene & Safety Committees Indoor Air Quality Tools: Education, Prevention, & Investigation (February is posted on their web site under documents,
-- Barbara Spark ()
-- Bill Jones ()
-- Shelly Rosenblum
-- Louise Hill ()
Whats New on the IED Web site. New Indoor Environments Division publications are posted at
IAQ in Schools. Barbara Spark and Shelly Rosenblum provided technical assistance consultation for California Assembly members and their staff with regard to AB2863, the IAQ in schools bill (now on suspense); Barbara spoke at the Education Committee hearing on the bill.
IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium. Dec. 2-4, - Registration for this years Symposium will begin June 30, . Demand for the (500 person) Symposium was so great that registration had to be closed before the final registration date. In order to avoid turning the Symposium into a conference, capacity will be kept at 500 attendees; early registration is advised.
IAQ Tools for Schools: E-Bulletin Web Announcement. IED has introduced a quarterly E-Bulletin on Tools for Schools. Each issue will be dedicated to a specific theme or issue relating to IAQ in schools. The first edition of the IAQ TfS E-Bulletin is a special supplement dedicated to the National Symposium. Web page for E-Bulletin and Symposium information: .
EPA Grants. Proposals received by the Region 9 Indoor Environments Team for this years grants cycle revealed rising interest among asthma stakeholders (both governmental and NGOs) in an integrated approach to addressing asthma in schools; including teaching children to avoid indoor environmental triggers for asthma, and educating school staff about these triggers. Well be making awards for asthma trigger education both in homes and in schools, as well as work on IAQ Tools for School implementation. An award is also expected for a project developing a model for student-led, teacher-directed IAQ Tools for Schools implementation.
Asthma Documents. See for EPA documents.
Asthma Videos. To order, call IAQ INFO at .
Spanish Language Asthma Video, Controlando los Factores del Asthma. This video was written for a Spanish-speaking audience, as opposed to being a translation of a pre-existing English language production.
Clearing the Air: 10 Steps to Making Your Home Asthma-Friendly [May ] - This short step-by-step guidance provides helpful hints for comprehensive asthma management (in English and Spanish).
Asthma Fact Sheet [May]. The Asthma Fact Sheet highlights up-to-date asthma statistics. (available in English and Spanish).
The Asthma Health Outcomes Project. AHOP is an initiative of the University of Michigan's School of Public Health Allies Against Asthma under a cooperative agreement with the EPA. The primary goal of AHOP is to identify successful asthma management programs and analyze the factors that contribute to their success. AHOP has been conducting a widespread outreach campaign to capture and acknowledge the asthma interventions around the country that are often overlooked in more formal search and evaluation processes. Eligible programs must focus on asthma, measure health outcomes, and include an environmental component. More information is available at .
Secondhand Smoke. The Indoor Environments Division has updated and enlarged our outreach materials, many of which are bilingual (English/Spanish), and extend the concept from smoke-free homes to smoke-free cars. The Secondhand Smoke Community Action Kit includes twelve different components. The CD-Rom, Smoke-free Home Pledge: Planning Guide for Pledge Events has been updated. Theres a new bilingual Take the Smoke-free Home Pledge Poster; the revised Take the Smoke-free Home Pledge brochure is now bilingual. These and other materials can be ordered; other documents are available only on the web page.C
Spanish Version of Mold Guidance Available. "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home," is now available as Una Breve Guia para el Moho, la Humedad y su Hogar, in PDF (796KBfile). .
Upcoming meetings of the CIWG-IAQ are scheduled as follows:
September 15, CalEPA Building, 10th & I St., Sacramento
December 8, DHS Richmond Laboratory Campus
March 9, CalEPA Building, 10th & I St., Sacramento
June 8, DHS Richmond Laboratory Campus
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