California Interagency Working Group
on Indoor Air Quality
Meeting Notes:
September 15
DHS Richmond Laboratory Campus
American Lung Association of California
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
California Air Resources Board / IAQ & Personal Exposure Assessment Program
California Department of Education / School Facility and Planning Division
California Department of Health Service / Environmental Health Investigations Branch
California Department of Health Service / Indoor Air Quality Section
California Department of Health Service / Occupational Health Branch
California Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA)
California State Library California Research Bureau
Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Indoor Environments Program
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Southern California Environmental Health Sciences and Children's Environmental Health Center
UC Environmental Health & Safety Program
U.S. EPA Region IX / Indoor Environment Team
in Las Vegas. Website: .
This event is sponsored by the University of Tulsa and Brigham Young
University, and co-sponsored by the American Industrial Hygiene Association
(AIHA) and the International Society for Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ).
Symposium co-chairs are Eugene C. Cole, Dr.PH, and Richard Shaughnessy, PhD. A
distinguished Steering Committee* has structured the program to offer a
participatory forum for the blending of expertise to assist infusing best
practice with current available science.
Note: The early registration rate can be extended to October 18 for those
receiving this belated announcement (and who dont qualify for either the
government or cosponsor rates), IF the following special instructions (not on
the standard forms) are followed:
Extended early registration: For mailed or faxed PDF registration forms, write
the code BSS18 next to Early Enrollment Discount. Those registering
electronically should place this code in the country field.
*STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Harriet Ammann, PhD, DABT; Michael Hodgson, MD;
John Martyny, PhD, CIH; J. David Miller, PhD; Phil Morey, PhD, CIH; Aino
Nevlainen, PhD; Brad Prezant, CIH; Tiina Reponen, PhD; Steve Reynolds, PhD,
CIH; Donald Weekes, CIH.
Displacement ventilation and Portable classrooms:
Preliminary Results from the CEC-funded Study
by Charles Eley, Architectural Energy Corporation
Presentation slides are posted at
CEC Project web site:
-- Bonnie Holmes-Gen ()
No report submitted this quarter. Check their web site (above).
-- Elinor Blake,
-- Saffet Tanrikulu,
Resolution on Indoor Air Quality. The BAAQMD Advisory Council recently reviewed materials on indoor air quality issues and the opportunities for BAAQMD to have a constructive role in this area ( On September 8, the Council approved the following resolution:
Topic: The Districts role in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management.
Background: Indoor air pollutants present a well-documented harm to the publics health. Studies of the health effects and their considerable scope are summarized in the recent California Air Resources Board (CARB) draft report, Indoor Air Pollution in California, June ( Pollution indoors is generated both from within buildings, and from the air outside. Many California agencies and universities are engaged in various aspects of research and education on the subject, but, in the words of the CARB draft report, there is no systematic program [in California] to improve indoor air quality, there are relatively few regulations or standards to address individual indoor air quality problems, and few resources focused on effectively addressing problems and promoting improvements. Current efforts to address indoor pollution are not commensurate with the scope of the risk to health it poses to Californians.
Recommendations: In this vacuum, the District is presented with an unusual opportunity to explore creatively its potential role in improving indoor air quality, which affects the health of everyone in the Bay Area. To augmentbut in no case to supplantthe Districts activities to improve ambient air quality, we recommend that:
(1) The District convene or initiate a workshop or series of workshops, or summit, within the next year in which government agencies, researchers, and organizations concerned with IAQ can discuss the current and potential roles of the District and others in improving IAQ. Included among the issues to be addressed should be building materials and their appropriate installation and maintenance. These workshops might be convened as statewide, involving other Air Districts, or as Bay Area workshops with state agency representation. Such workshop(s) would provide a forum for the generation and exchange of ideas and information to develop District proposals and programs for a cohesive approach to IAQ.
(2) The District consider establishing a graduate student investigator initiative to research impacts of regional air pollution on indoor environments. The Bay Area has an impressive number of universities that conduct research on IAQ: this initiative would allow the District to tap into those resources at relatively little cost, with the added benefit of providing recognition to the District. CARB, CDHS and other agency experts could also be mentors. The District could administer the program or arrange with another entity to do so (e.g., a non-profit such as the Public Health Institute; a university Presidents Office; a Bay Area foundation). Students would apply annually for the funds, and a review committee would select among the proposals. The California Interagency Working Group on Indoor Air Quality, in which the District participates, could assist by suggesting potential IAQ-related research topics.
California Air Resources Board / Indoor Air Quality & Personal Exposure Assessment Program
-- Peggy Jenkins ()
Draft Report on Indoor Air Quality in California (AB 1173, Keeley,). The draft report on Indoor Air Pollution in California was posted on the ARB website at the end of June for public review, with comments due in August, and a public workshop was held in July. The workshop was well attended; participants included representatives from a breadth of industries and other groups. Several comments focused on a need for expanded discussion and clarification of the uncertainty associated with the costs and health estimates, and the need to assess the feasibility of suggested mitigation options. The draft report and workshop materials, including the presentation slides as well as a video recording of the workshop, can be found at. The report is currently being revised.
Indoor Chemistry and Health Workshop. Staff participated in a three-day workshop on indoor chemistry and health sponsored by NIOSH. About 60 national and international scientists were invited to examine what is known about indoor chemical reactions and the effects of reaction products on human health, and to identify the most critical research needs in this emerging field. The information gaps identified by the group are extensive. Large gaps exist in both indoor chemistry and the health effects of the reaction products, and exposure has not even begun to be addressed. New analytic methods, especially real-time methods, are needed for measuring intermediate and secondary reaction products in indoor air. New methods and biomarkers are needed for health impact research as well, including the surface chemistry of lungs, mucosal surfaces, and skin, and more detailed study of the relationship between reaction products and inflammation was considered a high priority. NIOSH is planning to use the results of the workshop to develop a several year, multi-million dollar research program on indoor chemistry and health.
Updated Indoor Formaldehyde Guideline. An updated Indoor Air Quality Guideline, Formaldehyde in the Home, was posted to the internet in August,. The reader-friendly guideline discusses indoor sources of formaldehyde, indoor concentrations, and health affects associated with exposure to formaldehyde. The guideline also provides recommended indoor exposure limits. Because formaldehyde can contribute to the risk of getting cancer, and, like other carcinogens, has no level that is known to be risk free, the guideline recommends that individuals reduce indoor formaldehyde concentrations as much as possible. To prevent irritant effects, the guideline also recommends that levels in homes remain well below 27 ppb, OEHHAs interim 8-hour recommended exposure level. The revised guideline replaces a decade-old guideline and can be obtained at guidelines.htm.
Zero Energy New Home Workshop. Staff participated in a workshop on the Zero Energy New Home demonstration projects to be funded by the Pubic Interest Environmental Research (PIER) Program of the CEC. CEC plans to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to demonstrate the technical feasibility of zero-or low-energy new single-family, production-built homes in California. Additional information on the workshop and comments is available on the web at ces/2004-07-13_workshop/07-13-04_workhsop_doc.html.
New Research Projects. Three collaborative indoor air quality research projects funded through the California Energy Commissions Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program and administered by ARB are getting underway.
Further Analysis of Portable Classrooms Study Data is a follow-on analysis of the extensive data collected in the study of Environmental Health Conditions in Californias Portable Classrooms, jointly conducted by the ARB and DHS. The analyses will focus on ventilation, lighting, and other energy-related data, and the relationship of those factors to indoor air quality and other environmental measures. Some analyses will address environmental justice questions as well.
The New Home Ventilation Practices Survey will be conducted by UC Berkeley and LBNL to develop and conduct a mail survey of about 1,000 new single-family homes in selected areas of California. It will obtain information on new home residents use of windows, doors, fans, and mechanical ventilation systems relative to providing sufficient outdoor air exchange, and will examine their experiences with indoor air quality and comfort in their new homes. The results from the survey and those from an anticipated follow-on field study will provide information the CEC needs to assess the impact of current energy efficiency standards and help determine the need for mechanical ventilators in new homes. ARB will use the information to gain an understanding of indoor air quality in new homes, and to better estimate occupants potential exposures to toxic air contaminants.
In a study entitled Quantifying Pollutant Emissions from Office Equipment, investigators from UC Berkeley and LBNL will measure emissions from personal computers (PCs), monitors, and printers in a controlled chamber environment. They will investigate the relationship between energy consumption and emissions for PCs and printers, determine the primary temporal and operational factors that influence emissions from this equipment, and identify mitigation measures that operators can take to reduce emissions and exposures from PCs and printers.
Indoor Air Quality Guidelines and Fact Sheets are in the Mail. As part of its public education and outreach efforts, staff contacted each local air quality management district to determine their interest in receiving printed copies of indoor air quality guidelines and fact sheets by mail. Since these materials were made available on the web, fewer requests have been received for the hard copies. The response from the districts was tremendous. For a complete listing of indoor air quality guidelines and fact sheets, please visit
-- Michael ONeil ()
New Director of CDE School Facilities Planning Division. A new SFPD Director Kathleen Moore started 9/13/04 and replaced Duwayne Brooks, who retired after many years of state service and is now working for the consulting/lobbying firm of Murdoch Walrath Holmes on a variety of school related issues. Kathleen has spent the last 15 years as the director of development at Elk Grove Unified and has been very active in statewide school facility issues.
Williams Lawsuit Settlement. This involves ACLU who sued the state in representing poor school children, demanding equal access to the good books, qualified teachers and clean, safe facilities. CDE is monitoring/participating in how the settlement and related bills (SB 6, SB550) will be implemented. In part this will involve a need assessment or evaluation of school facilities to identify those in urgent need of repair (defined as structures or systems that pose a threat to health or safety of students or staff), but this grant program will be administered by the Office of Public School Construction. Other educational program settlement program details are also being worked out.
CHPS Bill Vetoed. AB736 was vetoed by the Governor Schwarzenneger. This would have required CHPS standards for modernization projects. The veto message stated that it would be more appropriately considered in the context of a comprehensive environmental policy.
School Siting and EMF Exclusion. SFPD slightly modified its exemption policy in July which addresses proposed school sites that are unable to meet Code of Regulation setbacks from powerlines. As part of an exemption, District would be required to prepare a EMF mitigation Plan that shows how the average exposure on the site, after mitigation measures, will not exceed those personal average exposure levels shown in cited study, or the average in residences in the vicinity of the site. (SFPD has recently had additional discussions with DHS which may result in further modification of the policy limiting the area of determining average exposure to that area that would have been the powerline setback distance. In related news, the Calif. Public Utilities Commission is revisiting its powerline EMF policy (prudent avoidance, precautionary principle, no cost/low cost mitigation), but it is unknown if and when anything of substance would come of this.
Naturally Occurring Asbestos. The USEPA and ATSDR continue their investigations in the El Dorado foothills on several existing school sites where activity based air sampling will be compared with ambient vicinity sampling. Several other "proposed" school sites are being investigated by DTSC in El Dorado, Sacramento and other counties. SFPD is monitoring developments as they would affect statewide policies for NOA investigation and mitigation and how these costs will be covered.
California Performance Review. Recent recommendations to reform and revitalize California's state government include several that if implemented could affect the school siting process, significantly reducing the current investigation oversight role of DTSC and suggesting consolidation/simplification in the CDE/OPSC/DSA approval process. While no immediate timeline is suggested, SFPD will monitor any subsequent proposals.
California Department of Health Service / Environmental Health Investigations Branch
-- Sandra McNeel ()
Asthma. In collaboration with California Department of Health Services Occupational Health Branch colleagues, California Breathing announces its newest surveillance document, California Asthma Facts: Work-Related Asthma, is now available online. For more information, including full text access to this and other asthma publications produced by California Breathing.
Indoor Air Quality in Schools Workshops. California Breathing has partnered with Community Action to Fight Asthma and the US Environmental Protection Agency to bring hands-on workshops aimed at improving indoor air quality in California schools to regions across the state. California Breathing developed the workshops in response to a need identified by many of the 12 CAFA coalitions that have faced challenges implementing indoor air quality programs and policies in the schools in their communities. The state CAFA office, regional, and some local coalitions were involved in planning the four regional workshops. All of those involved in the planning process agreed on the same goal and objectives, but each workshop has varied based on the participants and the priorities in each region. The goal and objectives agreed upon for the workshop:
Goal: A broad range of community members working with schools, including school staff, will have the knowledge and skills to make schools healthier for students and staff by improving indoor air and environmental quality (IAQ).
1a) Participants will have an understanding of the U.S. EPAs Tools for Schools program (TFS), and gain practical hands-on experience in using the checklists.
1b) Participants will know how to persuade Board of Education administrators and school principals to adopt IAQ policies and implement TFS.
2) Participants will know and better understand the relationships between asthma and IAQ parameters. (NOTE: content and emphasis can and will likely vary with audience)
3) Participants will understand why IAQ must be considered in new school (traditional, permanent buildings and portable classrooms) construction, modernization and renovation. This will include, as possible, a review of the process for how coalitions or individuals can impact policy on this topic, for example, a resolution by a school district board of supervisors/education to adhere to CA Collaborative for High Performance Schools Best Practices Manuals.
4) Participants will learn from the successes of communities within California in addressing IAQ in schools:
a.) Case study highlights CA and/or other states
b.) Sample policies and resolutions at school district levels
c.) Funding sources for IAQ coordination, educational workshops, etc (U.S. EPA, ALA)
Four workshops have taken place: Long Beach, Imperial Valley, Santa Rosa, and Fresno. Each workshop has included presentations and discussions on the following topics:
o Indoor Air and Environmental Quality in School Facilities- How IAQ affects asthma and overall health
o Overview of EPAs Tools for Schools Program
o Indoor Air Quality and New School Construction
o Successful Techniques for Getting Schools to Adopt Policies to Improve IAQ
Additionally, all but one workshop has included a walk-through of a school
facility to allow participants an opportunity to apply the knowledge they
gained by assessing a real school. The
walk-through part of the workshop has been the most enlightening and
interactive part of the day.
Although analysis of the evaluations has not been done, the informal feedback
has been quite positive. The workshops
drew a wide audience with various backgrounds including school custodians,
administrators, teachers, nurses, community activists, public health
departments, policy makers and parents.
I will keep the IAQ interagency group informed as further analysis and
follow up planning occurs.
California Environmental Health Tracking Program (CEHTP). The Fall Tracking newsletter is available online at . In this issue, the role of environmental health tracking is highlighted in relation to the overall scope of public health.
In the newsletter, the CEHTP also announces availability of mini-grants to support local public health agency or community-based non-profit organization projects that build or demonstrate community and/or organizational capacities in accessing, understanding, analyzing or using environmental exposure data and environment-related disease information for public health functions. Three to four mini-grants of $5000-10,000 will be awarded, each with an expected duration of 6 months. For additional information about these grants or to download the complete Request for Applications, please visit
Critical Issues in Biomonitoring a Bay Area community forum co-sponsored by Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, The Bay Area Breast Cancer and Environment Research Center, and the CEHTP will take place October 9 at UCSF. Forum goals include discussions of the risks and benefits of biomonitoring, interactive exchange of information regarding biomonitoring, identification of opportunities for future decision-making activities regarding this issue, potential for community-based participatory research studies using biomonitoring and development of recommendations on identified areas of interest. For additional information or to register for the forum please visit: .
Sandy McNeel participated in the UC Berkeley Center for Occupational & Environmental Health Summer Institute by presenting Are Toxic Microbes a Public Health Problem? and co-presenting with Janet Macher (DHS Environmental Health Laboratory Branch) Update on Current and Past Legislation, Research and Assessment Methods.
-- Jed Waldman ()
Consultants listing on Cal-IAQ web site. The DHS-IAQ currently posts its Listing of Consultants Offering IAQ Services in California along with various guidance for hiring IAQ consultants (by AIHA, NIOSH, and U.S. EPA). We have assembled this list of firms as a service to the public, to aid those who want to hire professional assistance in addressing IAQ problems. It is posted with the following disclaimer: The information presented in the list is "self-reported" by the listed firms, and its accuracy is not verified by the CDHS. Firms included on this list are in no way specifically endorsed or certified by the CDHS.
The current site is fairly crude, and it takes a lot of staff time (which we dont have) to make additions and modifications to the list. We are in the process of upgrading the list in three important ways: (a) firms will be able to complete the registration form on-line, which will considerably reduce our current delay in reviewing additions and modifications to the list; (b) the on-line list will offer filtered searches, per geographic region and type of services (e.g., mold problem) being sought, and (c) from the list of contact information generated by a search, readers will be able to hyperlink to the complete registration information for each firm. We hope to have the new site up by the end of October.
Upgrades for the IAQ Web Site and Assistance Line (Asthma Trigger Outreach). With support from EHIB and its California Breathing grant (see EHIB notes), Ms. Rose-Marie Scissons has been hired as our part-time health educator/librarian. She will be assisting us with two activities which address Asthma triggers as well as our general IAQ program function:
(a) Upgrading the web site. We thought we were cool when we launched the site in, but now it looks pretty retro. Rose-Marie is giving it a new, updated look, plus better organizing links for users. She has also found materials to address low-literacy visitors to our site.
(b) Upgrading the Assistance Line. The volume of queries for technical assistance has not diminished (even though our staff has). Rose-Marie is researching effective customer service software to better track our phone contacts, plus helping us develop frequently asked questions and response scripts.
Section 01350. DHS-IAQ with input from others has issued a revision of the IAQ test portion of Section 01350. The need for this update became apparent as laboratories started to implement Section 01350 on a wide scale. As a result, certain sub-sections of this specification have been expanded. For example, the sub-section on sample receiving and handling has now been revised; the section on laboratory methods and procedures has been expanded; a new sub-section has been added detailing the laboratory reporting requirements; an informative section has been added providing useful information on TVOC calculations as well as Prop 65 chemicals. No changes have been made to the pass/fail criteria. The new document can be found at
A short infosheet on the IAQ portion of Section 01350 is being finalized and will be posted on our website in the near future.
Dialog with Carpet Industry. We are continuing dialogue with CRI on the issue of 4-PC. CRI has tentatively agreed to explore the possibility of funding a research project to UC San Diego (Bill Cain) to study the odor threshold of 4-PC and ultimately a maximum concentration for carpets. CRI has approached us to initiate a dialogue on adhesives. They have budgeted for this effort (primarily for testing a number of products). The State is also working with CRI and others in establishing a national Sustainable Textile Standard. This Standard successfully combines the SCS EPP Carpet Certification Standard, the States changes to the SCS document, and the standard originally developed by The Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability. This standard addresses all aspect of carpet sustainability. This is a point based standard similar to LEED. There are mandatory credits and various levels of sustainability based on total points. It allows specfiers to make optional credits mandatory and to also set a minimum number of points. Besides California, other states and the USEPA are reviewing this proposed national standard. See
Capitol Area East End Project Indoor Air Quality Study. We are still analyzing the data from this study and anticipate the draft final report will be ready in the late fall.
West End Project. The Master Architect for this project has been selected. The selected team will assist DGS in developing the specifications for the design/build team. Anthony Bernheim and Hal Levin are part of the Master Architects Team. We will be discussing the Sustainable Building Task Forces involvement at our next meeting. This is a great opportunity to push the sustainability envelope forward based on all the lessons we learned from the East End. This will be a great opportunity to revise Section 01350.
SCS launches an IAQ certification program. Based on the revised language of the IAQ portion of Section 01350, SCS has started a certification program for products meeting these requirements. The Sustainable Building Task Force and EPP Task Force fully support these efforts. More info can be found at .
EPP database. Based on input the State Architects office received, they have decided to revise the schedule for this database. They have also announced that they will be pursuing regulations via the Building Standards Commission. This is a unique opportunity to have a legislative language developed and implemented on sustainable building materials. See
California Department of Health Service / Occupational Health Branch
-- Liz Katz ()
Protecting Workers from Carcinogens and Reproductive Hazards. HESIS is contracting with OEHHA to estimate air concentrations associated with various levels of risk for selected workplace chemicals identified as causing cancer, reproductive toxicity and/or developmental toxicity on California's Proposition 65 List. The identification of workplace chemical hazards and the calculation of risk-based air concentrations of the chemicals will assist HESIS in recommending science-based, protective occupational health standards to Cal/OSHA, one of the core legislative mandates of the program. It will also help to ensure that California has a consistent basis for developing regulatory limits to protect workers and community residents.
Prudent Substitution of Solvents. HESIS received an EPA grant to evaluate the use, toxicity and safe substitutes for five new and emerging solvents that pose risks of chronic health damage to workers and community residents. Working collaboratively with a non-profit group, the Insitute for Research and Technical Assistance, HESIS will estimate worker exposures to the new solvents, disseminate educational information on health hazards and safe substitutes to businesses, and recommend protective workplace exposure limits, if appropriate.
HESIS Staffing Cuts. HESIS has lost two out of a total of five professional positions for the upcoming fiscal year. We will continue to fulfill our mandates as best we can. Please do continue to refer IAQ inquiries to us when employees health is involved.
California Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA)
--Bob Nakamura ()
IAQ Advisory Committee. The first meeting was held on November 20, in Oakland. The recent California Energy Commision revisions to the building code were presented and discusssed. Possible revisions to General Industry Safety Orders 5142 and 5143 were also discussed. A second meeting was held on March 6,. Attendees discussed the modified proposal for the use of DCV that CEC plans to submit for rulemaking within the next few weeks. Attendees also discussed suggested changes to Title 8, Section 5142. The modifications are intended to address problems in identifying the entity that can make changes to a HVAC system in a workplace. Another meeting is tentatively planned for early . Deborah Gold and Bob Nakamura have also participated in the review of the survey of portable classrooms done by the Air Resources Board with the Department of Health Services, and the Portable classroom white paper by the Integrated Waste Management Board.
Airborne Contaminants: 8CCR 5155. The advisory committee ended its review process in March. The Division coordinator is Bruce Wallace who can be reached at .
Laboratory Fume Hoods: 8CCR 5154.1. The Division has convened five advisory committee meetings to evaluate two different petitions requesting the Standards Board to reduce ventilation rate requirements and establish a performance standard in place of the existing regulation that relies on face velocity measurements. The final draft proposal was discussed by the members of the committee at the meeting held on September 17, in Oakland. The Division coordinator is Bruce Wallace who can be reached at .
Respiratory Protection for M. Tuberculosis Section 5147. Federal OSHA announced at the end of that it would be revoking its temporary standard pertaining to respirators used to protect employees from TB exposures, and apply the general industry respiratory protection standard to that segment of respirator users. This accompanied an announcement that OSHA would not promulgate a comprehensive TB standard as planned. The primary effect of this change is to require annual fit testing for respirators used during occupational exposure to TB. Cal/OSHA must adopt standards that are equally effective, and at the June Standards Board hearing, the Board rescinded section 5147 and apply the respiratory protection standard, section 5144, to respirators used against TB. However, in response to concerns from the health care employers, an implementation date of October 18, was adopted.
The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will be hearing a proposal at their September meeting from the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) to modify Section 5144 of the General Industry Safety Orders, in regards to the use of respirators to protect employees against tuberculosis. Because this modification is proposed for emergency adoption, there will be no public hearing on it, but people who wish to comment about it can speak during the public meeting portion at the beginning of the meeting. The meeting will be held on September 23, 10:00 am, OB9, Auditorium (Room 102), 744 P Street, Sacramento.
-- Obed Odoemelam ()
PIER Projects
Thermal Displacement Ventilation (TDV) for Schools. So far, the researchers have developed and validated a CFD model of a typical California classroom using TDV and have completed HVAC modifications for a demonstration classroom in Roseville. The demonstration classroom is now operational and the researchers are monitoring energy use, thermal comfort, and CO2 levels as compared to a traditional classroom. This is the topic of Charles Eley's presentation.
UVC Lights in Schools. This project was initially intended to look at energy use and attendance data from existing installations of ultraviolet lights in HVAC ductwork in schools, and attempt to assess manufacturer claims about energy savings and indoor air quality. Because the energy use data was not readily available for existing installations, this project will now collect actual field data on new UVC installations. The field work has not yet started.
Mold-Resistant Building Assemblies for California. This project is attempting to identify the best practices for mold-resistant residential new building construction in California. So far, the researchers have completed a literature review and analysis of Water Claims data from the California Department of Insurance to provide background data on the mold problem. They then worked with the Program Advisory Committee to develop a list of building assemblies and practices for further laboratory and field evaluation. The focus has been narrowed into three areas: window installation protocols, stucco wall assemblies, and proper installation of concrete slabs. Lab testing is starting now and demonstration of various assemblies in two California homes are planned next year.
Building Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Guide. LBNL recently completed a project to develop a guide to assessing and mitigating building vulnerability to chemical and biological attack. The emphasis was on compiling existing knowledge into an easy-to-use format for building owners and weighing risk mitigation versus practical considerations including energy use. A software assessment tool and Final Report will be available shortly.
A Just-Starting Project. The Energy Commission will be working with LBNL to develop an improved version of the BARD HPAC unit for classrooms. The goal of this project is to provide a quieter unit with better ventilation and energy efficiency.
Comments on ARB's Indoor Air Quality Report. The Energy Commission submitted its staff's comments on the draft of the ARB report to the California Legislature.
-- Pamela Davis ()
No report submitted this quarter. Check their web site (above).
Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center
--Jennifer Kanouse, ()
Advisory Committee Members and In-Depth Reviewers. The Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center (CNTC) is conducting a needs assessment to revise seven of its TB prevention and control tools. The tools assist staff at hospital emergency departments, community clinics, homeless shelters, and jails to implement and maintain administrative controls, engineering controls, and respiratory protection programs. The CNTC is seeking advisory committee members to consult on the needs assessment process and in-depth reviewers to identify where to update the materials to bring them into line with changes in national and California guidelines and regulations since 1999.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Indoor Environments Program -- Mike Apte ()
No report submitted this quarter. Check their web site (above).
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment / Indoor Air Risk Assessment Group
-- Richard Lam ()
-- Janice Kim ()
Review of the Ambient Air Quality Air Quality Standard for Ozone. Release of Draft Health Benefits Chapter. The staff ARB and OEHHA are currently reviewing the scientific literature regarding the health effects of ozone (O3) and are considering revisions to the Ozone Ambient Air Quality Standard. Currently OEHHA recommends that the current 1-hour average standard of 0.09 parts per million (ppm) be retained and add an 8-hour standard of 0.070 ppm, both not to be exceeded. If the Board does not adopt an 8-hour standard, then the 1-hour standard should be lowered to 0.08 ppm, not to be exceeded.
The objective of this draft chapter is to quantify the potential reductions in adverse health effects from reduced exposures to ozone from attaining the ozone standards recommended in the draft staff report. Although these "Health Benefits" are not the basis for the staff's draft recommendations for the ozone standard, they illustrate the benefits from attainment of the standard. It will become Chapter 10 in the draft staff report.
All public comments will be considered by the ARB in subsequent revisions of the document, with a final draft Report scheduled to be released to the public later this year
Chapter 10.
OEHHA's Recommendation for an Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone
Ozone Review Schedule
Assembly Bill. AB2012 passes the Senate Appropriations Committee on August 12, and is now on the Governors desk. This bill on or after January 1, would require the manufacturer of any cosmetic or personal care product subject to regulation by the FDA in the state to notify OEHHA of any ingredient contained in its product that is a chemical identified as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity (pursuant to Proposition 65 or identified by an authoritative body). The bill would authorize OEHHA to report to the Legislature an assessment of the level of these chemicals in cosmetic and personal care consumer products in the stream of commerce in California. The bill would permit OEHHA to accept and expend private or federal funds for this purpose, thereby making an appropriation.
Assembly Bill
, as amended on August 17, is available online at:
Adoption of a Unit Risk Value for Naphthalene. In accordance with the Air Toxics Hot Spots Information and Assessment Act, AB 2588, Connelly as amended by SB 1731, Calderon), OEHHA hereby adopts a unit risk value for naphthalene of 3.4 x 10-5 (g/m3)-1 and slope factor of 1.2 x 10-1 (mg/kg-day)-1. These values are based on data for incidence of nasal respiratory epithelial adenoma and nasal olfactory epithelial neuroblastoma in male rats. They are to be used in the Air Toxics Hot Spots and Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) programs for estimating the cancer risk associated with inhalation exposures to naphthalene.
Naphthalene is a common air pollutant; it is an industrial intermediate and a component of some fuels, and is commonly found indoors. Naphthalene is already identified as a TAC as a result of its listing as a U.S. Hazardous Air Pollutant. For assessment of non-cancer effects, a Chronic Reference Exposure Level was adopted in. Naphthalene was listed as a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer on April 19,.
A toxicity summary is provided, which forms an addendum to OEHHAs Part II Technical Support Document for the Air Toxics Hot Spots program. Link to naphthalene addendum:
Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Chloroform. The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee of OEHHAs Science Advisory Board advises and assists OEHHA in compiling the list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity as required by Health and Safety Code section 25249.8. The DART Identification Committee serves as the States qualified experts for determining whether a chemical has been clearly shown through scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause reproductive toxicity.
OEHHA has prepared the draft document entitled: Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Chloroform. OEHHA will organize the comments received and forward the information to the DART Identification Committee members prior to the meeting at which the candidate chemicals will be considered. The next meeting of the DART Identification Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 4.
Link to Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Chloroform:
East Bay Childrens Respiratory Health Study. Results of the study was recently published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Janice J. Kim, Svetlana Smorodinsky, Michael Lipsett, Brett C. Singer, Alfred T. Hodgson, and Bart Ostro, Traffic-related Air Pollution near Busy Roads: The East Bay Children's Respiratory Health Study, Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 170: 520-526.
News links:
-- Andrea Hricko ()
No report submitted this quarter. Check their web sites (below):
-- Debbie Decker ()
No report submitted this quarter. Check their web site (above).
-- Barbara Spark ()
-- Bill Jones ()
-- Shelly Rosenblum ()
-- Louise Hill ()
Grants. The Indoor Environments Team is awarding thirteen grants (cooperative agreements) for work on IAQ Tools for Schools, in-home education on environmental triggers for asthma, and Open Airways for Asthma. Eight of these grants are going directly to California entities, and the ninth will benefit a California school district. Already awarded are grants to support implementation of IAQ Tools for Schools at Ravenswood City School District, at LAUSD via an award to the Korean Youth Community Center, and at the Sacramento City School District via technical support by the University of Tulsa Indoor Air Program. An in-school asthma education grants for Open Airways for Schools has gone to the West Oakland Asthma Coalition. In-home asthma environmental education awards are going to two American Lung Associations: ALA of the Central Coast and ALA East Bay, and to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) Southern California office. The remaining two California awards, still in process, will be going to a county department of health.
IAQ in Schools. Barbara Spark and Shelly Rosenblum participated in four workshops on indoor air in schools provided by the California Breathing asthma project at DHS EHIB, in collaboration with CAFA. The events were held in El Centro, Fresno, Long Beach, and Santa Rosa. The events were promoted primarily to people in asthma coalitions, who made up the majority of the attendees. However, in El Centro, a number of school maintenance directors and personnel added their insights to the discussion. A few school principals interested in the IAQ Tools for Schools program also participated.
IAQ Tools for Schools at Berkeley USD: Opportunity for IWG members? Shelly Rosenblum participated in a briefing for Berkeley Unified School Superintendent, Michelle Lawrence and School Board President, John Selawski. The briefing was organized by the Oakland / Berkeley Community Action To Fight Asthma (CAFA) as part of their work to address the growing problem of childhood asthma. Tools for Schools implementation is a prominent part of their program which includes addressing environmental asthma triggers. The Superintendent and President strongly supported both the clinical asthma management and TfS approach and asked that we submit a list of specific actions we would ask them to take to initiate the programs district-wide. This project may provide opportunities for assistance to BUSD by IWG members in the East Bay area. C
IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium. Dec. 2-4 Last year, demand for the Symposium was so great that registration had to be closed before the final registration date. Space still remains this year, and prompt registration is recommended. symposium materials are also available at the web page:
IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium - Dec. 2-4,. Last year, demand for the Symposium was so great that registration had to be closed before the final registration date. Space still remains this year, and prompt registration is recommended. symposium materials are also available at the web page: .
New EPA Award for National Environmental Leadership in Asthma Management for Health Plans and Health Care Providers. The Indoor Environments division has established a new awards program that recognizes health plans and health care providers for leadership in addressing management of environmental triggers as part of a comprehensive asthma management program. Winners will receive national recognition of their achievements. Applications will be accepted until February 15,. More information is available at
Whats New on the IED Web site. New Indoor Environments Division publications are posted at
A two-page Mold in Schools fact sheet is now available at
Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ). The agenda for the October 20, and minutes from the July meeting, are posted at
Upcoming meetings of the CIWG-IAQ are scheduled as follows:
December 8
March 9
June 8
September 14
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