Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
Radon in California Homes: Current State of Knowledge in California
In this study, radon monitors were
placed in 310 residences. Measurements were carried out
for a full year to obtain an accurate estimate of exposure
unbiased by short-term fluctuations in radon levels because of
weather conditions or changes in ventilation. The survey
determined the proportion of homes exceeding the action level of
4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air recommended by the U. S.
EPA. Homes with long-term concentrations measured at or
above the action level are recommended for radon reduction.
The U.S. EPA action level is largely based on current mitigation
technologies. It is recognized that radon exposures below 4 pCi/L
still contribute to the risk of lung cancer.
The statewide survey showed that about 0.8% (approximately 100,000) of California homes are expected to have annual average radon levels exceeding the U.S. EPA action level. These results confirmed the magnitude of high radon homes found in earlier limited studies and another statewide radon survey by CDHS and U.S.EPA using short-term monitors. The geometric mean (GM) for long-term radon concentrations in the state was 0.85 pCi/L.
General Information
Health Effects
Radon Risk and Risk Reduction
Radon Research Projects
Radon in Drinking Water
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