California Interagency Working Group on Indoor Air Quality (CIWG-IAQ)
is an organization of representatives from State, Federal, local, and
non-governmental agencies with IAQ oversight or interests. It was
established in, under the mandate of Assembly Bill 3200 (Tanner,
), which directed the Department of Health Services to safeguard
the public interest by a coordinated, coherent State effort to protect
and enhance the indoor environmental quality in residences, public
buildings, and offices in the state.
group continues to provide a unique forum for discussion,
collaboration, and education onissues of indoor environmental quality,
building engineering, and relatedhealth effects among the
professionals working in the field. There are currently two active
committees: Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools and Building
Design & Operations. The CIWG-IAQ produces theCalifornia
Assistance Directory. Meetings are quarterly, with special
presentations on IAQ topics often incorporated.
updated: Dec. 23/04